September 18, 2012

Week in Pictures

Mushroom Garden

~:Tea Break:~


layered curry powder

~hanging out with Rilakuma~


Guess what? We moved again! To a new apartment! Yes, that's the reason behind my disappearance for the last couple of days. While we are settling in the new (read: clean) apartment, I've been snapping some pictures here and there. And thought I'd share some of them.

1.Spotted this tiny mushroom garden outside the kitchen window. It kinda looked like a page out of a fairy tale book. Don't know why. Watching too much TV perhaps?
2. Taking a tea break from paying bills. As usual, drinking my favorite green tea blend from Tazo, in my favorite tea mug.
3. Researching and working on a new project. Can you guess what it will be?
4. After procrastinating for a very long time, I finally managed to make my own curry powder. Recipe? Mix powdered fenugreek, mustard, chili, coriander, cumin and turmeric in 1:1:6:6:6:7 ratio.
5. Finally found a way to attach my little amigurumi heart to my key chain. It looks really adorable! Currently, it's hanging out with my Rilakuma key cover.
6. A semi-decent self portrait. Please excuse my greasy hair. (^-^)

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