Hi there! I am Farah, the face behind 'The Frilly Pages'. I am a crafter, amateur photographer and blogger living in Iowa. I blog about my adventures in crafting, post way too many photos and write about random tidbits of my life.
Crafting has always been a huge part of my life. I grew up surrounded by yarns, threads and paints. Although I learned to crochet as a child, I started to crochet seriously since 2009. And I haven't stopped since! If you are looking for any of my original crochet patterns, you can find all of them here.
Besides crochet, I also like to knit (although I am not very good at it), do a bit needle crafting (cross-stitch is a fav!) and sew. One of my very favorite thing to do is to re-purpose old materials. Reduce, reuse and recycle, y'all!
On a personal note, I am originally from a small country in South-Asia called Bangladesh. I am a science geek at heart. Give me a good book (or two), iced green tea and Star Trek (from the 80-90's; not the JJ stuff), and I am a happy camper. I am a bit obsessed with cute stationery and Netflix. When I am not doing my usual shenanigans, I hang out with my lovely husband, try to cook healthy foods, practice a lot of Tree Pose and daydream about opening up an Etsy shop.
I would love to get to know you! For on/off topic chitchats, follow me on twitter. Or you can send me an email at farah{at}thefrillypages{dot}com
Crafting has always been a huge part of my life. I grew up surrounded by yarns, threads and paints. Although I learned to crochet as a child, I started to crochet seriously since 2009. And I haven't stopped since! If you are looking for any of my original crochet patterns, you can find all of them here.
Besides crochet, I also like to knit (although I am not very good at it), do a bit needle crafting (cross-stitch is a fav!) and sew. One of my very favorite thing to do is to re-purpose old materials. Reduce, reuse and recycle, y'all!
On a personal note, I am originally from a small country in South-Asia called Bangladesh. I am a science geek at heart. Give me a good book (or two), iced green tea and Star Trek (from the 80-90's; not the JJ stuff), and I am a happy camper. I am a bit obsessed with cute stationery and Netflix. When I am not doing my usual shenanigans, I hang out with my lovely husband, try to cook healthy foods, practice a lot of Tree Pose and daydream about opening up an Etsy shop.
I would love to get to know you! For on/off topic chitchats, follow me on twitter. Or you can send me an email at farah{at}thefrillypages{dot}com