August 9, 2013

Cross Stitch: Peony

After a much needed blog break (sorry for not announcing before), I am resurfacing in the blogging scene little by little. Posts will be a bit scarce as my crafting projects are getting finished very slowly. As summer ends in a month or so, I'm sure I'll find plenty of opportunity to play with crochet hooks again.]

One of my very fond memories of my mom and grandma together is doing a lot of crafts together, specially needlepoint. When I was just a kid, about 6 or 7, I picked up my first needle and did some wonky lazy daisy stitches which I was so proud of! Honestly, I wasn't much of a embroiderer (I'm not even sure if that's a word). Then couple of years later I stumbled into the world of cross stitch. And I was completely mesmerized by the technique, how a grand scenery comes to life as you count and do some silly little stitches. I was so hooked into the craft, I'd urge my mom to start a new project as soon as we finished one. With her help I finished couple of pictures (mostly floral), which I gifted to family and friends. It was such a thrill!

In recent years cross stitch has become a new hobby. A year ago I finished my first solo cross stitch project. I was so excited to see the finished product, I immediately went out and bought another one. It was a much smaller project. And I thought I could finish it in no time. Well... I was wrong. In the midst of all chaos, I abandoned the project for a while to work on something else. Although it might just have a bit ADD. I cannot seem to focus just one thing (^ v ^) . Recently I picked up it again and worked on it religiously every day. And took pictures along the way.
Peony Collage
And lo and behold, here's the finished product. Nice, eh?


The cross stitch kit is from Dimensions, called Peony. I am kinda in love with this piece. So it is hanging out in my living room right now.


Here's the picture from another angle. See how the stamens look a bit 3D?

Peony: closeup

Do any of you do cross stitch? And have a blog? Please do link up in the comments below. In the meantime, have a great weekend!


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